Savage Brasil
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Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%

Mestre Conselheiro
10 participantes

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Mensagem por malware Qui 02 Dez 2010, 01:40

Isso ae, agora vo traduzir todo o savage(espero).
Encontrei os arquivos para edição dos menus e msgs.
Sei que da outra vez fico meio braga a Tradução, e ainda tem uns bugs naquela tradu, vo tentar corrigir aquela
e juntamente com esta fazer a tradução completa.
Espero traduzir o maximo possivel do client agora...

Vejam umas prints:

Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%

Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%

Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%

Falta ainda Boa parte para traduzir, mais até fim da semana espero concluir Very Happy
You honor the legion

Mensagens : 85
Pontos : 102
Reputação : 101
Data de inscrição : 25/10/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Marechal Candido Rondon

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Mensagem por malware Qui 02 Dez 2010, 11:24

Mais umas Prints:

Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%

Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%

You honor the legion

Mensagens : 85
Pontos : 102
Reputação : 101
Data de inscrição : 25/10/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Marechal Candido Rondon

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Mensagem por Hatake Qui 02 Dez 2010, 14:11

bom trabalho!
vai ficar muito bom pros new players!
You are a legend

Mensagens : 367
Pontos : 417
Reputação : 0
Data de inscrição : 22/11/2008
Idade : 34
Localização : neverland

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Mensagem por -Stealthy- Qui 02 Dez 2010, 16:39

Bom Trabalho mesmo MalWare muito bom mesmo cara te desejo boa sorte para arrumar tudo.
You are a hero

Mensagens : 227
Pontos : 248
Reputação : 99
Data de inscrição : 11/09/2010
Idade : 29
Localização : São Marcos

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Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100% Empty Re: Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%

Mensagem por -Stealthy- Qui 02 Dez 2010, 16:59

ae MalWare ae tipo eu baxei tudo direitinho instalei. mais e dai? não deu nada
You are a hero

Mensagens : 227
Pontos : 248
Reputação : 99
Data de inscrição : 11/09/2010
Idade : 29
Localização : São Marcos

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Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100% Empty Re: Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%

Mensagem por -Stealthy- Qui 02 Dez 2010, 17:01

a parte da tradução ta pegando mais so a do chat
You are a hero

Mensagens : 227
Pontos : 248
Reputação : 99
Data de inscrição : 11/09/2010
Idade : 29
Localização : São Marcos

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Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100% Empty Re: Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%

Mensagem por malware Qui 02 Dez 2010, 18:31

ah q ta no minha assinatura nao eh a completa Very Happy espera até o fim da semana ^^
You honor the legion

Mensagens : 85
Pontos : 102
Reputação : 101
Data de inscrição : 25/10/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Marechal Candido Rondon

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Mensagem por -Stealthy- Qui 02 Dez 2010, 21:30

ata. é eu percebi que tinha uma coisa que tava faltando nos Voices de comm quando eu press v2 só aparece a opção Obrigado eo resto não tinha.
o problema é que eu não consegui acha esse programa ae pra excluir ele da pasta do jogo
You are a hero

Mensagens : 227
Pontos : 248
Reputação : 99
Data de inscrição : 11/09/2010
Idade : 29
Localização : São Marcos

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Mensagem por malware Qui 02 Dez 2010, 23:50

pois é, eu tenho q corrigir isso...

pra desistala, ou vc vai na pasta game do savage e desistala pelo icone roxo q tem de uninstal, ou no menu iniciar > Programas > Savage XR > unistall( mesmo icone roxo ).

e se mesmo assim nao consegui, apaga o arquivo savage7.s2z na pasta game do savage.

Mais tente optar pelo uninstall, pq senão pode ficar dados no registro do windows q vao fica rolando la XD
You honor the legion

Mensagens : 85
Pontos : 102
Reputação : 101
Data de inscrição : 25/10/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Marechal Candido Rondon

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Mensagem por -Jun- Sex 03 Dez 2010, 12:39

Bom dar uma revisada antes de por, tem erros de português, tipo: "Disconectar".
You are a legend

Mensagens : 404
Pontos : 233
Reputação : 1
Data de inscrição : 20/11/2008
Idade : 30
Localização : São Paulo z/O - SP

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Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100% Empty Re: Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%

Mensagem por malware Sex 03 Dez 2010, 12:53

kkkkkkk pode cre jun, eh q umas palavras eu soh apaguei umasletras e adicionei..

tipo tava Disconnect, soh apaguei 1 N e coloquei o "ar" XD
mais era mais soh pra teste mesmo, pra tirar a print, depoi galera vai ter q ajudar a revisar e ver se fico palavras/frases muito grandes ou com erros....
You honor the legion

Mensagens : 85
Pontos : 102
Reputação : 101
Data de inscrição : 25/10/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Marechal Candido Rondon

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Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100% Empty Re: Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%

Mensagem por malware Sex 03 Dez 2010, 14:31

Galera, preciso de uma ajuda aqui na descrição das armas... se for pouco eu consigo traduzir mais aqui são frases e talz, ai ja eh mais complicado, eo google nao colabora tambem XD

// Commander Controls
createvar _cvar
createvar _image
createvar menu_grid_popup_name

create panel options_cmdr_gridmenus 0 0
Create label "cmdr_keys_label" 312 70 [400] [fontsizelarge]
param text "Personalize o Menu de Comando:"
param align center
param char_height [fontsizelarge]

// human player/worker grid
set _x 32
set _y 112
set _index 0

set _cvar grid_hotkey_move
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/move_icon.s2g
set _name "Mover"
set _description "Move this unit to a specified destination"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_follow
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/follow_icon.s2g
set _name "Seguir"
set _description "Follow another unit"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_attack
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/attack_icon.s2g
set _name "Atacar"
set _description "Attack a unit"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_defendme
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/guard.s2g
set _name "Chamar para Defesa"
set _description "Tell nearby players to defend this unit"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_build
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/build_icon.s2g
set _name "Construir"
set _description "Build a structure"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_give_gold
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/givegold_icon.s2g
set _name "Dar Ouro"
set _description "Give this unit 200 gold"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index 2

set _cvar grid_hotkey_kill
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/cancel.s2g
set _name "Matar"
set _description "Kill this unit"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_promote
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/promote.s2g
set _name "Promover | Despromover"
set _description "Promote this unit to an officer | Demote this officer"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_adrenaline
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/adrenaline.s2g
set _name "Aumentar Adrenalina"
set _description "Temporary speed boost for this unit"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_electrify
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/electrify_icon.s2g
set _name "Eletrificar"
set _description "Charge this unit's melee weapons"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_magshield
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/magneticshield.s2g
set _name "Blindagem magnetica"
set _description "Increase this unit's armor"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

// human buildings
set _x 32
set _y 304
set _index 0

set _cvar grid_hotkey_garrison
set _image /models/human/buildings/icons/garrison.s2g
set _name "Guarnicao"
set _description "A small structure that serves as a forward location for troops. Provides a point to drop off resources, enter the base and spawn from."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_arsenal
set _image /models/human/buildings/icons/arsenal.s2g
set _name "Arsenal"
set _description "The core of weapon research. New weapons of all types are researched here. This building is required for production of Archery weapons."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_research
set _image /models/human/buildings/icons/research.s2g
set _name "Centro de Pesquisa"
set _description "A makeshift lab where new technology can be tested. This is the place that all items are researched."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_siege
set _image /models/human/buildings/icons/siege.s2g
set _name "Oficina armas de Cerco"
set _description "Provides the heavy equipment necessary to produce siege weapons. Losing this building will take away your ability to use these weapons."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_electric
set _image /models/human/buildings/icons/electric.s2g
set _name "Faturador Eletrico"
set _description "Stores and produces electricity. This strucutre is required for the production and research of all things electric."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_chemical
set _image /models/human/buildings/icons/chemical.s2g
set _name "Faturacao Quimica"
set _description "Stores and produces chemical compounds. This structure is required for the production and research of all things chemical."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_magnetic
set _image /models/human/buildings/icons/magnetic.s2g
set _name "Faturacao Magnetica"
set _description "Stores and produces magnetic energy. This structure is required for the production and research of all things magnetic."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_tower
set _image /models/human/buildings/icons/arrow_tower.s2g
set _name "Torre de Guarda"
set _description "A simple tower that fires arrows at nearby enemies."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_monastery
set _image /models/human/buildings/icons/monastery.s2g
set _name "Monasterio"
set _description "Creates units that have the ability to heal and revive foot troops."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index 3

set _cvar grid_hotkey_back
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/build_icon.s2g
set _name "Voltar"
set _description "Return to the previous menu"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

// human units/SH
set _x 32
set _y 496
set _index 0

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_worker
set _image /models/human/units/worker/worker.s2g
set _name "Trabalhador"
set _description "Unskilled as a warrior, a Worker assists the Legion by mining, repairing and constructing."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_stronghold
set _image /models/human/buildings/icons/stronghold.s2g
set _name "Fortaleza Level 2/3"
set _description "Upgrade Stronghold"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_savage
set _image /models/human/units/savage/icon.s2g
set _name "Savage"
set _description "A skilled fighter, the Savage was once a part of one of the many war tribes that were united under Jaraziah."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_legionnaire
set _image /models/human/units/legionnaire/icon.s2g
set _name "Legionario"
set _description "The heart of the Legion's fighting force, these warriors are trained for combat from a very young age."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_medic
set _image /models/human/units/medic/icon.s2g
set _name "Capelao"
set _description "A figurehead of the Legion's religion, the Chaplain heals and aids other units"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_potion
set _image /models/human/weapons/ranged/icons/regenerate.s2g
set _name "Pocao"
set _description "Apply a healing effect to a radius"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_revive
set _image /models/human/weapons/ranged/icons/revive.s2g
set _name "Ressuscitar"
set _description "Ressurect fallen teammates."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index 2

set _cvar grid_hotkey_ballista
set _image /models/human/units/ballista/icon.s2g
set _name "Ballista"
set _description "The ballista boasts long range and good accuracy. While powerful, it's damage doesn't compare to that of a Demolition Charge or Catapult."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_catapult
set _image /models/human/units/catapult/icon.s2g
set _name "Catapulta"
set _description "A triumph in human engineering, this weapon can hurl devestating projectiles a great distance. It is vulnerable without an escort, however."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index 2

set _cvar grid_hotkey_kill
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/demolish.s2g
set _name "Demolish"
set _description "Destroy a building to recover a portion of it's value"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

// human weapons
set _x 280
set _y 112
set _index 0

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_scattergun
set _image /models/human/weapons/ranged/icons/scattergun.s2g
set _name "Scattergun"
set _description "Uses magnetic fields to hurl scraps of metal. Not very accurate, but at close range quite deadly."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_discharger
set _image /models/human/weapons/ranged/icons/discharger.s2g
set _name "Discharger"
set _description "A simple electric weapon, holding down the trigger will build up a charge. Weak when fired rapidly, but a full charge is deadly."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_incinerator
set _image /models/human/weapons/ranged/icons/incinerator.s2g
set _name "Incinerator"
set _description "Emits a continuous stream of fire, a devestating close range attack."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_crossbow
set _image /models/human/weapons/ranged/icons/crossbow.s2g
set _name "Crossbow"
set _description "An advancement over the bow, this can be fired more quickly and does a little more damage."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_repeater
set _image /models/human/weapons/ranged/icons/repeater.s2g
set _name "Repeater"
set _description "Improved engineering allows the repeater to fire far more rapidly and with more accuracy than the Scattergun but sacrifices spread."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_fluxgun
set _image /models/human/weapons/ranged/icons/fluxgun.s2g
set _name "Flux Gun"
set _description "Generates a continuous stream of electric energy."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_mortar
set _image /models/human/weapons/ranged/icons/mortar.s2g
set _name "Mortar"
set _description "Lobs glass spheres loaded with an unstable chemical subtance. Mortar rounds bounce off terrain, but explode on contact with a target."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_sniperbow
set _image /models/human/weapons/ranged/icons/sniperbow.s2g
set _name "Marksman's Bow"
set _description "Favored by skilled archers, this high powered bow is equipped with a scope and can kill from a great distance."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_coilrifle
set _image /models/human/weapons/ranged/icons/coilrifle.s2g
set _name "Coil Rifle"
set _description "Combining the most powerful magnets with precison craftsmanship, this weapon fires a single pellet at extreme velocity and absolute precision."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_pulsegun
set _image /models/human/weapons/ranged/icons/pulsegun.s2g
set _name "Pulse Cannon"
set _description "This weapon is able to quickly generate extremely high voltage surges, which cause substantial amounts of damage."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_launcher
set _image /models/human/weapons/ranged/icons/launcher.s2g
set _name "Launcher"
set _description "Advanced chemical processing allows the production of more powerful explosives, and propellant to give the shots greater range."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

// human items
set _x 280
set _y 304
set _index 0

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_medkit
set _image /models/human/items/icons/medipack.s2g
set _name "Medkit"
set _description "Using a Medkit will allow you to recover a portion of your health while out in the field."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_motion_sensor
set _image /models/human/items/icons/electric_eye.s2g
set _name "Sensor"
set _description "A device that detects the magnetic fields generated by all things. Deploying these reveals hidden enemies, and clears the fog of war near by."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_disruptor
set _image /models/human/items/icons/disruptor.s2g
set _name "Disrupter"
set _description "Emits a powerful electric pulse that disables weapons and structures. This will also destroy Land Mines and Fire Wards."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_demo_pack
set _image /models/human/items/icons/demopack.s2g
set _name "Demolition Charge"
set _description "A very powerful mixture of explosives that will detonate after a short delay. Good for taking out large targets."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_ammo_pack
set _image /models/human/items/icons/generic_ammo.s2g
set _name "Ammo Pack"
set _description "While carrying an Ammo Pack, you will be outfitted with twice as much ammo each time you spawn."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_imobilizer
set _image /models/human/items/icons/immobilizer.s2g
set _name "Immobilizer"
set _description "Shortly after being tossed, the Immobilizer creates a powerful magnetic field freezing nearby units in place."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_relocater
set _image /models/human/items/icons/relocater.s2g
set _name "Relocater"
set _description "Using high frequency electrical interference, this opens a rift teleporting you instantly to your Stronghold."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_landmine
set _image /models/human/items/icons/mine.s2g
set _name "Land Mine"
set _description "An explosive device triggered by the pressence of an enemy. Good for defending key targets."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_chemical_tower
set _image /models/human/buildings/icons/chem_tower.s2g
set _name "Mortar Tower"
set _description "With a supply of volatile chemicals, a tower can be upgraded to fire clusters of mortar rounds, rather than simple arrows."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_magnetic_tower
set _image /models/human/buildings/icons/mag_tower.s2g
set _name "Shield Tower"
set _description "Acting as a focal point for magnetic energy, this tower produces a powerful field around it blocking most damage done to nearby structures."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_human_electric_tower
set _image /models/human/buildings/icons/elec_tower.s2g
set _name "Shock Tower"
set _description "By charging a tower with electricity, a powerful static field is created that will destroy incoming projectiles, and damage melee attackers."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

// miscellaneous stuff
set _x 280
set _y 496
set _index 0

set _cvar grid_hotkey_kill_confirm
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/yes.s2g
set _name "Confirmar Demolicao!"
set _description "^r>>> Selected structure will be destroyed! <<<"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_kill_cancel
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/cancel.s2g
set _name "Cancelar demolicao"
set _description "Abort demolition"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index 2

set _cvar grid_hotkey_attackthis
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/attack_icon.s2g
set _name "Atacar"
set _description "Tell nearby players to attack this unit"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_kill_confirm
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/yes.s2g
set _name "Confirmar"
set _description "^r>>> Selected unit will be lost! <<<"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_kill_cancel
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/cancel.s2g
set _name "Cancel"
set _description "Spare this life"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

// beast player/worker grid
set _x 528
set _y 112
set _index 0

set _cvar grid_hotkey_move
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/move_icon.s2g
set _name "Mover"
set _description "Move this unit to a specified destination"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_follow
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/follow_icon.s2g
set _name "Seguir"
set _description "Follow another unit"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_attack
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/attack_icon.s2g
set _name "Atacar"
set _description "Attack a unit"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_defendme
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/guard.s2g
set _name "Convocar para Defesa"
set _description "Tell nearby players to defend this unit"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_build
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/build_icon.s2g
set _name "Construir"
set _description "Build a structure"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_give_gold
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/givegold_icon.s2g
set _name "Dar Ouro"
set _description "Give this unit 200 gold"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index 3

set _cvar grid_hotkey_promote
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/promote_beast.s2g
set _name "Promover | Despromover"
set _description "Promote this unit to an officer | Demote this officer"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_fireshield
set _image #gui_basepath#/commander/firepool.s2g
set _name "Escudo de Fogo"
set _description "Surround this unit with damaging fire"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_recharge
set _image /models/beast/items/icons/manarestore.s2g
set _name "Dar Vida"
set _description "Replenish this units life, mana and stamina instantly"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_kill
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/cancel.s2g
set _name "Matar"
set _description "Kill this unit"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

// beast buildings
set _x 528
set _y 304
set _index 0

set _cvar grid_hotkey_sublair
set _image /models/beast/buildings/icons/map_sublair.s2g
set _name "Sub-covil"
set _description "A fortified structure that provides a link to the Lair. Serves as a point to drop off resources, enter the base and spawn from."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_nexus
set _image /models/beast/buildings/icons/nexus.s2g
set _name "Nexus"
set _description "Serves as a focal point for all of the basic magic of Newerth. The Nexus must stand for beasts to be able to use their Melee Powers."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_arcana
set _image /models/beast/buildings/icons/arcana.s2g
set _name "Arcana"
set _description "A sanctified place where the more scholarly members of the Horde create powerful enchanted items."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_charmshrine
set _image /models/beast/buildings/icons/siege.s2g
set _name "Santuario Charm"
set _description "Only the Charm Shrine allows the Horde to attract the most powerful of Newerth's creatures to fight for them."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_stratashrine
set _image /models/beast/buildings/icons/strata.s2g
set _name "Santuario Strata"
set _description "Attracts and retains the energy of the sky. This shrine is necessary for the research and production of all Strata magic."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_fireshrine
set _image /models/beast/buildings/icons/fire.s2g
set _name "Santuario Fogo"
set _description "Attracts and retains the energy of fire. This shrine is necessary for the research and production of all Fire magic."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_entropyshrine
set _image /models/beast/buildings/icons/entropy.s2g
set _name "Santuario Entropy"
set _description "Attracts and retains the energy of Newerth. This shrine is necessary for the research and production of all Entropic magic."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_spire
set _image /models/beast/buildings/icons/fire_spire.s2g
set _name "Spire"
set _description "By enchanting the growth of a tree, the Horde creates a sentry that fires magical energy at attackers."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_sanctuary
set _image /models/beast/buildings/icons/sanctuary.s2g
set _name "Santuario"
set _description "Creates units that have the ability to heal and revive foot troops."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index 2

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_gateway
set _image /models/beast/items/icons/portal.s2g
set _name "Portal"
set _description "Raises a mystical portal out of ground. After placing one, a second one must be placed, creating a link."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_back
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/build_icon.s2g
set _name "Voltar"
set _description "Return to the previous menu"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

// beast units/lair
set _x 528
set _y 496
set _index 0

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_worker
set _image /models/beast/units/worker/icon.s2g
set _name "Trabalhador"
set _description "By imbuing the foliage with a portion of Newerth's spirit, the Horde creates a simple creature to mine, repair and summon structures."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_lair
set _image /models/beast/buildings/icons/lair.s2g
set _name "Convil Level 2/3"
set _description "Upgrade Lair"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_stalker
set _image /models/beast/units/stalker/icon.s2g
set _name "Stalker"
set _description "A skilled killer of feline ancestry"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_predator
set _image /models/beast/units/predator/icon.s2g
set _name "Predador"
set _description "The largest and toughest of the Horde's standard warriors, these fierce combatants evolved from the ancient bears."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_medic
set _image /models/beast/units/medic/icon.s2g
set _name "Xama"
set _description "A beast of exceptional intelligence that has trained with Ophelia in the mystic arts"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_shield
set _image /models/beast/weapons/ranged/icons/beast_protect.s2g
set _name "Escudo"
set _description "Protects a team mate from damage"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_revive
set _image /models/beast/weapons/ranged/icons/revive.s2g
set _name "Reviver"
set _description "Revive fallen teammates."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index 2

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_summoner
set _image /models/beast/units/shaman/icon.s2g
set _name "Summoner"
set _description "The smallest of the beast's warriors, this reptilian descendant is not much for physical combat, but wields powerful magic."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_behemoth
set _image /models/beast/units/behemoth/icon.s2g
set _name "Behemoth"
set _description "An enormous beast, descendant of the elephant. He is very slow but immensely powerful, wielding an uprooted tree."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index 2

set _cvar grid_hotkey_kill
set _image #gui_basepath#/gridmenus/icons/demolish.s2g
set _name "Demolir"
set _description "Destroy a building to recover a portion of it's value"
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

// beast weapons
set _x 776
set _y 112
set _index 0

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_poison
set _image /models/beast/weapons/melee/icons/venomous.s2g
set _name "Venomous"
set _description "Provides the inate ability to secrete poison from your claws, allowing your melee strikes to cause continuous damage after a successful hit."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_entropy1
set _image /models/beast/weapons/ranged/icons/chaosbolt.s2g
set _name "Chaos Bolt"
set _description "Emits a magical projectile that strikes out at any target it gets near."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_strata1
set _image /models/beast/weapons/ranged/icons/frost.s2g
set _name "Frost Bolts"
set _description "By chilling the air and creating a gust of wind, the wielder projects a cluster of ice crystals at his enemy."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_fire1
set _image /models/beast/weapons/ranged/icons/ember.s2g
set _name "Ember"
set _description "Generates a small burning projectile that bursts into flames on impact."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_rabid
set _image /models/beast/weapons/melee/icons/rabid.s2g
set _name "Rabid"
set _description "The blood of your prey fuels your rage; provides increased health regeneration."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_entropy2
set _image /models/beast/weapons/ranged/icons/surge.s2g
set _name "Surge"
set _description "Channels the destructive powers of nature through the caster and into a continuous stream of energy."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_strata2
set _image /models/beast/weapons/ranged/icons/tempest.s2g
set _name "Tempest"
set _description "Focuses the power of a storm into a stream of lightning and hail."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_fire2
set _image /models/beast/weapons/ranged/icons/blaze.s2g
set _name "Blaze"
set _description "Emits a stream of devastating fire from the caster's staff, engulfing everything within short range."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_vampire
set _image /models/beast/weapons/melee/icons/vamp.s2g
set _name "Carnivorous"
set _description "This power will let you recover health from injured foes with each strike."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_entropy3
set _image /models/beast/weapons/ranged/icons/rupture.s2g
set _name "Rupture"
set _description "By focussing on a particular point, the caster causes the ground itself to explode around his enemies."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_strata3
set _image /models/beast/weapons/ranged/icons/lightning.s2g
set _name "Lightning"
set _description "Allows the caster to call a devastating bolt of lightning down from the sky on his enemy. Powerful, but difficult to aim unless stationary."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_fire3
set _image /models/beast/weapons/ranged/icons/fireball.s2g
set _name "Fireball"
set _description "Allows the caster to launch explosive fireballs. The longer this spell is charged before release, the faster and stronger the fireball will be."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

// beast items/upgraded spires
set _x 776
set _y 304
set _index 0

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_mana_stone
set _image /models/beast/items/icons/manaboost.s2g
set _name "Mana Crystal"
set _description "The material of this crystal attracts the natural energies of Newerth. Wearing it will cause your mana to slowly replenish."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_tracking_sense
set _image /models/beast/items/icons/6thsense.s2g
set _name "Sixth Sense"
set _description "For a limited time, the beast's already keen senses are enhanced, revealing nearby enemies, even if they are behind cover or invisible."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_protect
set _image /models/beast/items/radiusshield.s2g
set _name "Storm shield"
set _description "Summons the power of the wind to protect you for a short time. While active you will take no damage from radius effects."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_immolate
set _image /models/beast/items/icons/sacrifice.s2g
set _name "Sacrifice"
set _description "Activating this causes fire to erupt from the noble warrior's body. After a short time, if he survives, he will perish in a furious explosion."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_stamina_boost
set _image /models/beast/items/icons/staminaboost.s2g
set _name "Frenzy"
set _description "Allows a beast warrior to channel their agression and use it in battle. While active, your stamina will regenerate very quickly."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_snare
set _image /models/beast/items/vines.s2g
set _name "Snare"
set _description "Tossing this enchanted item will cause thick foliage to instantly grow out of the ground and trap your enemies."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_camouflage
set _image /models/beast/items/icons/cloak.s2g
set _name "Mist Shroud"
set _description "Subtle manipulation of the atmosphere makes you nearly invisible to the naked eye, and undetected by defensive structures."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_fire_trap
set _image /models/beast/items/icons/fireward.s2g
set _name "Fire Ward"
set _description "Places an enchantment on a small area that will erupt into a firey explosion if an enemy approaches it."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_entropy_spire
set _image /models/beast/buildings/icons/entropy_spire.s2g
set _name "Healing Spire"
set _description "The magic of Entropy allows Spire to channel the healing energy of Newerth to repair nearby structures."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_strata_spire
set _image /models/beast/buildings/icons/strata_spire.s2g
set _name "Wind Spire"
set _description "Tapping into the energy of a Strata shrine, this spire creates a vortex of wind that throws enemy projectiles off their course."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

inc _index

set _cvar grid_hotkey_beast_fire_spire
set _image /models/beast/buildings/icons/fire_spire.s2g
set _name "Flame Spire"
set _description "Imbued with the essence of fire, this spire will replace it's simple magical attack with huge balls of fire."
exec ui_create_keygrab_grid.cfg

A unica coisa q vcs precisar traduzir é o set_description e talvez o name do item.
mais a principio só a descrição ja eh uma grande ajuda.

Achei q até fim da semana terminaria, mais ja to achando q vai mais tempo, é bastante coisa :S
You honor the legion

Mensagens : 85
Pontos : 102
Reputação : 101
Data de inscrição : 25/10/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Marechal Candido Rondon

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Mensagem por -Stealthy- Sex 03 Dez 2010, 19:28

é tem um erro quando os humanos falam para construi Gar no chat aparece Sub e não Gar este é um dos erros
You are a hero

Mensagens : 227
Pontos : 248
Reputação : 99
Data de inscrição : 11/09/2010
Idade : 29
Localização : São Marcos

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Mensagem por Hatake Sex 03 Dez 2010, 20:11

tem que traduzir todas as description!
Malware de preferencia não traduza o nome dos itens e das armas, senao fica igual filme brasileiro com nome trocado (tem vez qe eles colocam uns nomes ridiculos nada haver com o filme).
Logo coloco alguns traduzidos ai
You are a legend

Mensagens : 367
Pontos : 417
Reputação : 0
Data de inscrição : 22/11/2008
Idade : 34
Localização : neverland

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Mensagem por malware Sex 03 Dez 2010, 21:06

é hatake, eu ja tinah traduzido umas armas, mais depois voltei, soh a description, os votos tipo draw e uns otros vo colocar como antes tambem.

ateh pq se alguem falar draw vai ta diferente no vote pros otros... Very Happy
You honor the legion

Mensagens : 85
Pontos : 102
Reputação : 101
Data de inscrição : 25/10/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Marechal Candido Rondon

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Mensagem por -Stealthy- Sex 03 Dez 2010, 23:08

é algumas coisas não será necessário Traduzir
You are a hero

Mensagens : 227
Pontos : 248
Reputação : 99
Data de inscrição : 11/09/2010
Idade : 29
Localização : São Marcos

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Mensagem por malware Sex 03 Dez 2010, 23:40

Aproveitando o topico, avia surgido a ideia de criar o 8º menu do voice chat.
gostaria de algumas menssagens, de preferencia q tenham "utilidade" e se quiserem monto o audio usando a fala do windows(com linguagem br) ou uso um prog q muda a fala...
mais se puderem sugerir 9 menssagens seria bacana.
quem for sugerir, tente umas 9 frases cada 1 ai depois vemos as melhores Very Happy

Sobre a traducao, nao creio q ficara pronta para o fim de semana, pq ainda faltam 102 arquivos para traduzir, uns podem ser pequenos e outros igual o q eu postei ae...
então peço q aguardem pois tambem sera necessario revisar tudo e depois vou disponibilizar um beta para vermos os erros e talz.

uma print do ScoreBoard:

Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%

Adissão de creditos na parte inferior do savage:

Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%

Se alguem trabalha com imagens e puder fazer um logo pra a galera do savage BR, para usar em forum e no site, como logo oficial do grupo br, seria bacana, a minah imagem ali fico meio/completamente escrota :/
mais é só para mostrar Very Happy

Uma idéia seria um savage/lego nomad segurando uma bandeira do Brasil.. sei la XD
You honor the legion

Mensagens : 85
Pontos : 102
Reputação : 101
Data de inscrição : 25/10/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Marechal Candido Rondon

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Mensagem por Inuchelder Sáb 04 Dez 2010, 14:28

Traduzi mais da metade das frases que o Malware precisava e o firefox trava do nada.

Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100% 12641827912

Melhor eu traduzir mais tarde quando minha raiva diminuir.
Responsavel-Jornal NCBS

Mensagens : 668
Pontos : 521
Reputação : 3
Data de inscrição : 01/12/2008
Idade : 31
Localização : Casa da Mãe Joana

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Mensagem por malware Sáb 04 Dez 2010, 15:48

inu, vc mexe com desenhos não é? não rola de fazer um logo pra gente?
You honor the legion

Mensagens : 85
Pontos : 102
Reputação : 101
Data de inscrição : 25/10/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Marechal Candido Rondon

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Mensagem por -Stealthy- Sáb 04 Dez 2010, 19:01

Legal essa ideia do Logo MalWare iria ser legal. Savage iria ser completamente BR
You are a hero

Mensagens : 227
Pontos : 248
Reputação : 99
Data de inscrição : 11/09/2010
Idade : 29
Localização : São Marcos

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Mensagem por Mestre Conselheiro Sáb 04 Dez 2010, 19:02

Ótima idéia...já está na hora de trocar a logo do fórum também...
podiam postar as sugestões de logo aí quem sabe trabalhar com imagens.
Quanto a tradução continuo à disposição.

Se for o caso, podemos dividir essa tradução, cada um ficar responsável por uma parte... se me mostrar como, posso abrir/traduzir qualquer arquivo.
Mestre Conselheiro
Mestre Conselheiro
Responsavel-Jornal NCBS

Mensagens : 523
Pontos : 464
Reputação : 6
Data de inscrição : 20/11/2008
Idade : 34
Localização : MINAS UAI!

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Mensagem por malware Sáb 04 Dez 2010, 20:09

mc eu te passo os arquivos Very Happy, é só ficar on no msn Very Happy
You honor the legion

Mensagens : 85
Pontos : 102
Reputação : 101
Data de inscrição : 25/10/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Marechal Candido Rondon

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Mensagem por malware Dom 05 Dez 2010, 00:51

e ai galera, q tal um savage mais esportivo? kkkkkkkkkk
jaja faco um topico de como fazer isso =P

Tradução Para Portugues do Client em 100%
You honor the legion

Mensagens : 85
Pontos : 102
Reputação : 101
Data de inscrição : 25/10/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Marechal Candido Rondon

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Mensagem por Sasori Dom 05 Dez 2010, 07:53

Porque não colocam um legionnaire e um predator jogando futebol com as armaduras verde e amarela e em uma parte da armadura coloca a bandeira do Brasil,ai tipo faz eles jogando bola e no fundo,coloca uma arquibancada cheio de nomad,scav,savage,stalker,(menos ballista e catapult),ai coloca um monte de bandeiras,algumas com o logotipo do Brasil e outros do Savage XR.

UHEAHEAHUEHUE,idéia feia pra caralho,mas vejam se acham legal Smile
Your story will be told for generations

Mensagens : 506
Pontos : 577
Reputação : 98
Data de inscrição : 25/02/2010
Localização : Santa Catarina

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Mensagem por malware Dom 05 Dez 2010, 10:32

isso q vc diz seria uma iamgem de fundo sas, o q precisamos eh um logotipo, imagem pequena, sabe simbolo da nike? aquilo eh um logotipo, algo assim q precisamos, tipo os escudos/ico q vcs usam no clans Very Happy
You honor the legion

Mensagens : 85
Pontos : 102
Reputação : 101
Data de inscrição : 25/10/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Marechal Candido Rondon

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